
­Some words about the salt

The origin of the word

       In Latin language "sal", comes from the word "sol" which means the salt tincture itself and also the sun.The "Sole" in  Latin language means liquid sunshine.

      Our forbears already knew that salt is essential for life. Salt resources were quite big treasure and were strictly guarded. The salt itself was power and money. That is why it was called the white gold

 During thousands of years, lots of theories were given regarding the myths of origin of the salt. According to Aristotle, it was raw material from the deep Earth. People from the medieval times were thinking that it has aroused by the power of the sun, while others ascribed to the positive effect of the streams.

      The salt used for healing, as part of the medicine, was applied like an essential tool in the hygiene. The ancient Greeks and Romains cured with salt; they used the salt bath for pampering their tired limbs.

Salt reserves of Parajd and salt therapy systems

      The main attraction of the Parajd country is the salt mine, which was already known in the ancient Roman times. Salt reserves of this territory are so big, so that they would be enough for the whole world for 400 years. The caves inside are used and prepared for medical and touristic purposes.

      Salt reserves of Parajd are some of the biggest in Europe. Medical treatment under the surface has also very long history in the past. The well known and visited salt cave has been operated as part of the medical tourism since 1960. Effectiveness of the salt therapy within the cave can be dedicated to several special circumstances.

      The salt cabins offered by our company can provide these special circumstances for you. Specialities of our cabins are on one hand, the ability to provide positive healing effects of the nature and on the other hand, ability to secure the climate of a real cave with the help of a uniquely developed tool.

     As part of the salt therapy system, we also offer unique designed salt Jacuzzis and salt tubs. These equipments combine the modern technology (hydro massage) with the power of the medicinal water.

     We also offer salt sack filled with Parajd salt and salt brick mined in Parajd.

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